How to Prevent a Public SEO Disaster

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What marketing managers need to know?

Public Search Engine Optimization debacle happening everywhere.

Recently, some major brands have faced a real embarrassment, smackdowns high-profile exercise of SEO search engine acceptable practices of the various search optimization. This is not new.

What is new is that SEO is not just a black hat vs white hat. In the "old days" of SEO, your doctor may use acceptable methods of optimization or black hat tactics, and the clear line.

Are you a black hat without knowing it?

Now dividing line between what is good and evil seems foggy and cloudy, and SEOs and businesses who think they're hiring practices white hat are not often without even knowing it. Certainly, SEO is basically born how to manipulate search results. But since this industry is going through a rough, pubescent metamorphosis from adolescence into the unknown world of the Internet (think "SEO is dead" hype of 2010), a lot of heart, the quality of practice replaced by two sectors, the Uncontrolled increase in bad practices:

  • SEO and developers are learning to mine misrepresented or outdated information and use it in their current practice.
  • SEO and SEO companies are using tactics that are against search engine guidelines because they are difficult for search engines to detect, and sometimes work. But not for long.
In a case where one of the largest Internet companies has publicly called dirty SEO practices, which proved to be a developer, because the company believes that the outdated SEO tactics were called to an acceptable practice. In the past mistakes publicly by a great brand, the company that chartered the linkages, a common tactic in the vast majority of current SEOs and businesses, despite search engines in practice frowning. (And no, we do not have names.)

In most cases, the brand of SEO firms hiring and had no idea that they are unacceptable casting optimization tactics in the search throughout the site, opening the way for the lost traffic and potentially enormous public humiliation too.

5 ways to stay out of hot water SEO

So how does a site that offers quality content tailored to specific audiences, and do everything by the book (so you know), make sure you stay on the front page of The New York Times for SEO dirty cheat?

1. Learn about snake oil when you see: Arm yourself with the ability to recognize the signs of a seller of snake oil SEO. They are there in droves.

2. Never drive links. A product must have enough value to your audience to generate natural links. Make sure your SEO firm or not to buy links or manipulate links to your site from other sites in a way that does not promote the natural linkage.

3. To teach everyone: Make sure no one touches something in the content (journalists, designers, producers), the code (the developers) and links (developers, designers, biz dev, marketing) are up to date (as of this month) practice of search optimization. Send them to conferences and training consultants to train staff and to leave behind the best practices and promote the publication of reliable resources.

4. Transcend Standard SEO: Always think about how to create content for your audience, do not create content for search engines. What will your audience will visit your website, come back, share it, link to it, etc.? Do not create content just to have a landing page of the search if there is no value in it for your audience.

5. Clear optimization tactics wrong steer: You need to optimize the content and code so that it is contextually targeted and reversible for search engines, not to manipulate search engines. Use your common sense in what appears to be a true optimization vs. tactics implemented only for search engines. Consider the optimization of content in this way: optimization should be able to help screen readers to determine the context of the page and its elements. If she can do to screen readers, you're on track to search engines, too.

If still unsure, you can hire experts who have long-standing reputation of trust to help you find, interview and validation of candidates. But if you do not have the budget for it, do not hesitate to ask communities in the SEO forums. It is always worth your time for you and your business from the front pages of rags for the new trick of reference, and slides of the presentation of marketing seminars on how to do SEO.


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