AdMaster’s Review - SEO in 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

As 2010 pass by, many market experts are predicting trends for 2011. Surprisingly, SEO writers began making predictions for 2011 as early as November. After reviewing many SEO writers, there are a few significant predictions released to the public that includes:

  • Clicks/visits influence rankings
  • Mobile searches will have an unhelpful effect on SEO
  • Change in strategy
  • Industry moving from SEO to all inclusive campaigns
  • Increased generalization
  • Increase specialization

The first idea is that someone somewhere will prove that search engine rankings are affected by clicks/visits to a website. This is surprising that this hasn’t occurred already. Many internet marketing professions have seen their page ranking increase following many clicks or visits to the website. Google and Bing recently stated their algorithms view social factors when calculating page rank.

The next prediction is that mobile searches will have a negative effect on SEO. Many professionals feel mobile usage of search engines will not take off in 2011. Although on the horizon, society is not quite there yet. This is a controversial statement that continues to be argued among experts.

Others feel society is already at that point and this will continue to explode. With more twenty and thirty-something’s using their phone as an all-inclusive device, internet markets are changing their strategy to include mobile marketing.

Another prediction is a change in terminology from SEO campaigns to all inclusive campaigns. Although targeting keywords, diversifying links and improving traffic will be part of these new campaigns, it will include so much more. This is due to search engines expanding into social networks and organic web marketing.

Furthermore, 2011 will see an increase in generalization and specialization. A small portion of SEO professionals will specialize in specific aspects of an area. However, the majority of experts will generalize and advance to become full online marketers. This significant change will take at least a year to turnover. To explain this change to customers, inform them of what you do as opposed to your title. Let them know about your involvement with an all-inclusive campaign.

Internet marketing campaigns appear to explode in 2011. Some innovative technology advances will accompany this explosion. As new ideas are passed around and new methods of marketing to the general public are unveiled, marketing will encompass everything from virtual to physical. In 2011, we will see a significant change in the way business is conducted across the globe.


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