Google Continues to Penalize Spammers

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Last month, JC Penney has been penalized by Google, and using paid links to promote your website. This week, has been penalized for selling links. Their place is in danger? What are the methods of search engine optimization are safe to use?

Paid links and other forms of web spam

Latest spam focused on paid links to Google. But it is not the only form of spam, which leads you to trouble with Google. Earlier this year, Google announced its intention to fight Web spam, stronger than before 2011.

In addition to paid links, Google thinks that spam following:

• Made for AdSense sites, whose content was scraped
• Cloaking and false redirects o (Google from other pages that Internet real)
• Keyword stuffing and pages filled with irrelevant words
• No hidden text or hidden links
• No misspellings of popular sites
• No link farms fully automated, centralized and independent
• Other methods that try to fool search engines

All these methods have one thing in common: they work very well in the past and allow us to quickly get high rankings on Google. These methods have in common is that Google can find.
Sites using these methods will be punished sooner or later.

Search methods of optimization engines that are safe to use

Spammy search engine optimization methods will get your website in trouble. It doesn't help to have a big name (J. C. Penney or Forbes) and it also does not help to display AdWords ads on your website.

If you want lasting results, use ethical SEO methods are beneficial for website owners, users and search engines.

Ethical search engine optimization ethical leads to a symbiotic relationship:

Search engines: They win are pages that are easy to understand and contain quality information that their users are looking for.

Seekers: They win because they get what they want from search engines. Looking for "green widgets" and get a page about green widgets.

Web site owners: They win because they get quality visitors who are interested in what their website has to offer.

The following methods of search engine optimization are safe to use and lead to sustainable results:

• Optimization of existing web pages, HTML code and content of web pages
• To create good content for your website
• Strengthening of the organic links to get quality backlinks

If you use these methods to optimize your web pages, your website will get lasting results. It takes longer to get high rankings with ethical SEO methods, but your site is secure.

If you are going to build a sustainable business model, you must use ethical methods of search engine optimization.


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