Title Tag Development Methods

Friday, October 22, 2010

This might sound directly and forward but you would not believe how many title tags I see every day that look very dreadful in the World Wide Web space. There are some rules and tips that everyone looking to optimize any website should pursue when writing out there web pages title tags.

What Should The Length Be? The search engine results page only displays about 60-65 characters for the title tag so you should always try to keep it at that length. Don’t let them run off the side of the monitor because that is not a good optimization approach.

How Does A Title Tag Look? On the reverse of the code it looks like this? Which you can see if you right click on your web page and go to “view source” you can see all you’re coding on the back side of that exacting page.

Don’t Use Symbols: There are many frequent characters that will affect the way the search engines read your title tags. Things like “&” and “%” symbols could foul up how the search engines read the information on your website. The last thing you want to do is spend a grseat deal of time optimizing your website only to include one of these symbols and screw up how the search engines read your title tags. Just keep it clean, use only text and vertical or horizontal dashes if you have to use any symbols.

Keep Them Relevant: Your title tag should always be unique to what is happening on your page. You never want to have the same title tag running transversely on every page of your website that is just pitiable website optimization. Writing well written and optimized title tags is something that truly takes time and practice. Over time after generating experience you will really figure out exactly how to craft the most optimized title tags possible. Keeping things unique and tasteful throughout your website is always the ultimate goal when you decide to optimize your website.


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