Search Engine Optimization - More Important and More Needed Than Ever Before

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 · 4 comments

The moment there is a revise in the search engine algorithms, the pessimists in the SEO industry (and the ones who do not understand the true meaning of SEO) do not miss an opportunity to speak out SEO as dead. The last few algorithmic updates have raised the same kind of false alarm by some from the SEO industry.

Before I start to write why SEO is more important and more needed than ever before – Let me assertively affirm that SEO is very much alive and in fact gained more life energies and SEO will remain alive as long as people use search engines to search for quality information for the quest of knowledge.

Google lately has been penalizing sites which have low-quality content, spammy and bought links or have used other methods which go against their norms and hamper the display of quality search results. This has affected the rankings of many sites and the blogosphere is full of posts on how they have been affected especially by the Google Panda Update.

This has been taken negatively by some and people have come to the conclusion that SEO is no longer going to work. But I am of the opinion that if the shift in the rankings is causing such a stir in everyone’s mind, then it only proves that organic search has got a very important place in the whole online marketing scenario. In order to rank in the organic search your site needs to be optimized. Hence SEO is very much needed.

Google has raised the quality standards for SERPs – hence only sites which did not meet their quality ranking factors were affected; the rest remain unaffected or were marginally affected for some keywords.

When Google started integrating social results with search, as people are sharing an interaction platform via micro blogging on Twitter and Facebook , again the death of SEO was predicted and announced by some who also predicted that social media is replacing search but again to just go in vain.

The search is getting supplemented by social and not getting replaced by search. As social media and all the user generated content is adding the opinions and voice to the topics which are being searched.

Hence it can be said that your optimized site says what you want to say about yourself and company but social media is what the people say about you. When both the versions are in sync, the credibility is established.

The search engines continuously work on the quality of search results – hence the weight given to ranking factors keeps changing.

SEO means adapting your site to the norms and ranking factors of the search engines in order to be found in the search engines. Hence SEO is all the more in demand.

SEO is not dead but yes, it is getting more challenging and has started to gain its true place on the online marketing scenario. SEO is not dead but it has matured, evolved and now demands a quality web presence along with a quality content-rich website.

AdMaster’s Review - SEO in 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011 · 2 comments

As 2010 pass by, many market experts are predicting trends for 2011. Surprisingly, SEO writers began making predictions for 2011 as early as November. After reviewing many SEO writers, there are a few significant predictions released to the public that includes:

  • Clicks/visits influence rankings
  • Mobile searches will have an unhelpful effect on SEO
  • Change in strategy
  • Industry moving from SEO to all inclusive campaigns
  • Increased generalization
  • Increase specialization

The first idea is that someone somewhere will prove that search engine rankings are affected by clicks/visits to a website. This is surprising that this hasn’t occurred already. Many internet marketing professions have seen their page ranking increase following many clicks or visits to the website. Google and Bing recently stated their algorithms view social factors when calculating page rank.

The next prediction is that mobile searches will have a negative effect on SEO. Many professionals feel mobile usage of search engines will not take off in 2011. Although on the horizon, society is not quite there yet. This is a controversial statement that continues to be argued among experts.

Others feel society is already at that point and this will continue to explode. With more twenty and thirty-something’s using their phone as an all-inclusive device, internet markets are changing their strategy to include mobile marketing.

Another prediction is a change in terminology from SEO campaigns to all inclusive campaigns. Although targeting keywords, diversifying links and improving traffic will be part of these new campaigns, it will include so much more. This is due to search engines expanding into social networks and organic web marketing.

Furthermore, 2011 will see an increase in generalization and specialization. A small portion of SEO professionals will specialize in specific aspects of an area. However, the majority of experts will generalize and advance to become full online marketers. This significant change will take at least a year to turnover. To explain this change to customers, inform them of what you do as opposed to your title. Let them know about your involvement with an all-inclusive campaign.

Internet marketing campaigns appear to explode in 2011. Some innovative technology advances will accompany this explosion. As new ideas are passed around and new methods of marketing to the general public are unveiled, marketing will encompass everything from virtual to physical. In 2011, we will see a significant change in the way business is conducted across the globe.

Top 5 Reasons Why Your SEO Campaign Doesn't Work

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 · 1 comments

Many webmasters face the problem that their SEO campaigns do not produce the desired results. Hows the result of your campaign? What can be done to ensure that the search engine optimization work well for you?

There may be several reasons why your SEO campaign is not yet a success:

Reason 1: Setting the wrong goals

If your site does not rank very high but can not expect that Google will display your website on the first page of search results for keywords like "mp3" or other keywords in a very competitive word.

You must start with search phrases more targeted first. Optimize your pages for many different keywords with less competition. The highest ranking of your site for keywords with low competition, the more likely your site will rank highly for more competitive keywords that belong to the same subject.

It 's like running a marathon. You need to run short distances before they can run the entire 26 kilometers and 385 meters.

Reason 2: You are not serious about SEO

Search engine optimization is not set and forget. It takes time to break the deadlock. Search engine optimization is an investment in your business and should be treated well.

If you do not "promote" your site is submitted to search engines will not succeed. You have to invest time and effort optimizing your site.

Reason 3: Focusing on the wrong elements

Some webmasters are obsessed with the length of the title tag. Others send their website every day to search engines. other webmasters insist that some of their Web site links should use rel = nofollow.

You do not have to chase the latest trends in search engine optimization. These issues generally tend to distinguish between position 8 and 9 position. If your site does not appear on the first page of results at all, you need a good base.

The main factors that will have your website on Google the first results page is optimized web pages with quality content and good backlinks. Top 10 Optimizer IBP helps you with the finest details such as name. But it will also inform

Cause 4: Choosing wrong keywords

It is a very popular mistake that webmasters are numerous. If you choose the wrong keywords you will be wasting much time and money.

The best keywords for your web site are the keywords with the highest volume of searches. The best keywords are the keywords that will boost your ego and not "obvious" keywords that work best for SEO.

The best keywords for SEO are the keywords that deliver targeted visitors who will buy. No matter if a keyword has thousands of searches. If none of the visitors who find your site with the keyword you can buy, then this keyword does not do you good.

Reason No. 5: You get the less quality links

To get high rankings on Google, your site must have good backlinks. AutoLink plans for strengthening the links do not work. In fact, these ties may even have problems with Google.

You should get the kind of backlinks to succeed. Use professional tools for managing links and tools for backlink analysis to get the best possible connections to your site.

Search engine optimization can contribute greatly to the success of your website. It's important that you do the right things in the right order and that you focus on the right elements.

How to Create a Good Landing Page

Sunday, March 20, 2011 · 3 comments

Create a landing page should be great on top of your priority list if you want your website visitors convert into customers.

Here is a great website for research may attract the attention of visitors, a strong landing page will continue to participate and make the purchase of products / services.

Wikipedia defines the landing page as:

The page that appears when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement or a link to search results. The page will display content that is a logical extension of the ad or link and it is optimized for key words or specific phrases for indexing by search engines.

Wikipedia definition of a good summary, but it is certainly more than a landing page as big as a rich content and relevant keywords. Here are 10 things you should look at when optimizing a landing page:

Relevant Content

Content of the landing page must be directly related to organic results, PPC campaign, anchor text of incoming links and all other entrants targeted advertising, online and offline. If people do not get what they expect, they are more likely to leave.

More Landing Pages

A landing page should not necessarily be your homepage. In many cases a website is a good landing page. But for the more targeted traffic and better results that you want a landing page focusing on a specific provider and specific call to action. To do this, a site has several landing pages. Create landing pages deep link which will focus on a specific phrase and your conversion rate will be higher.

Focus on Functionality

More and more visitors to judge the professionalism and credibility of a website by its design. To solve this problem, many Web site owners to concentrate on design rather than focusing on their functionality. A well designed landing page is essentially useless if the prospect can not accomplish anything. Although not skimp on design, it should be your priority. Focus on the steps you want your visitors to make and design a page with this spirit.

Call to Action

You have visitors to your landing page, which will now lead to action. Be clear and very responsive without overloading your audience. Whether a form or a "buy now" which is the subject of your page.

Send a Clear Message

Keep your home page clean and clear, so no entrance fee to stay focused on your message. Highlight the main reason why they should be applicable to the call to action to implement a larger text, colors, images. Making it easier to scan content using the lists, and get the right point.

Provide Incentives

Corrupt visitors with gifts and samples is a proven method to attract register. Offering more than its competitors, but do not underestimate either. Provide a list of reasons why your offer is the best and exactly what the visitor can expect. Provide references and testimonials.

Do Visitors Stay

Avoid sending your visitors to another page unless absolutely necessary. It includes all the banners of internal and external navigation. If you remove all distractions and limiting navigation options that you have a better chance to keep your visitors around.

Make it Simple

Make it easy for your visitors to complete the desired action. Less confusion and making better decisions for their average conversion rate of visitors to your landing page. Not offer multiple options and choices to build optional. Focus on the field on the page was created.

Power of Freebies

Everyone loves free quote. They are hard to resist, and can be a powerful conversion tool. Whether a call to action is free or something free is received after making a call to action, it is certainly not wrong. If your expenses for the competition and give you something free, you will earn the customer. Remember, just because you make a free offer does not mean it should be good.


I stressed the importance of testing is to find out what your visitors, etc. different test text, the use of forms of action, page layout will give you an accurate idea of ​​what produces the best results from the conversion.

Tool like Google Website Optimizer allows you to easily monitor conversion rates, bounce rates, and tons of other useful indicators in most modern applications of web analytics. Using these data, we can easily find out which version is your best side, which maximizes the results.

Create a landing page successful and effective, it takes a lot of work but should be the goal for all participants with a website. Whether you own a website, web designer, web developer or web marketer, you should be aware of the elements that compose a solid landing page. After all, it can mean the success of a website or failure.

SEO Audits –Tactical vs. Strategic

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 · 1 comments

For many years I have driven in a bubble that perform audits at customer sites. Coordinate and advise on the implementation of my results, but never have an open dialogue with other industry professionals on what similarities or differences that we had in our approach.

When I started writing a blog article in perspective, and answer questions from others about how I went about the process, I began to learn from two typical approach.

One is a quick review, an hour or two, where the most common errors or problems are detected, followed by general recommendations. At the other end of the extreme, someone will spend countless hours of auditing all the details, to examine each page and inbound links that lead to a 50-page report filled with Excel spreadsheets complex and Analytics reports.

Personally, I take a different approach, one that works well for my needs, but can not work for you.

Strategic SEO Audits

Most of my work now consists of strategic controls. Depending on the size and complexity of the site, spend a few hours to study various aspects of the site wheel as these factors influence the information architecture, content organization, and focus of the day. While I'm doing this review, I think that indexing barriers, usability and accessibility.

Then spend anywhere from a few minutes to several hours examining the binding sites of entry profile, given the total root domain links, link following link, and scan the fields the source models with respect to domain families , domain types, the keyword in front of the anchor mark inbound links models and overall health.

I also take a few minutes to an hour or reviewing the competitive landscape and develop one or more cards sweet spot, looking for areas of weakness in the landscape. This is essential to my process, it shows me that there are opportunities to overcome the difficulties in competing with the least effort for the greatest value.

Where appropriate, I also look at the elements of social media. Here, I spend a few minutes and upwards of an hour at most.

The patterns reveal the most serious problems

As I stated in several articles, I'm looking forward to my examination of the patterns. Where can I find three or five pages that have problems in any field experience tells me that this is something that must be addressed. But when I see cause for concern, do not dig too deep into this stage of my strategic control. Instead, I save the information, describe the problem, describe it is a problem, and gives examples of examples of how it can be resolved.

By the time I finished with this process, usually end up with 10, 15 or a 20-page document. Roadmap of the problems that shows where energy is applied. But I do not go beyond a lot of problems during the strategic review.

Time is precious

I do not go as described above, a strategic effort to control for several reasons. First, I offer flat-rate contracts of the audit. And so many things to consider, too easy to get stuck in any single factor, and quickly all the time I have to do. As much as I want to go the extra mile for my clients, I came to know that I have to do the job, and my time is very valuable in this regard.

Another fact I found is if I have too much information for owners and managers in my first review, they quickly become overwhelmed, discouraged and otherwise discouraged. Keeping my brief reviews in this perspective, it is enough to wake up to real problems. It gives them enough training to help them accept the seriousness of problems and built a level of trust and respect of the next steps, implementing SEO tactics.

Tactical Review

When I made a strategic control and we had a follow-up discussion of my results, the next question from customers, which is of course, that the process is - "How do you begin?". If a customer has an in-house person or group, or your current supplier, they often have the opportunity to decide where to start and how to work. Or I could give them a copy of the Guide to SEO Content Writing.

If you need advice or appeal to my team and I to assist in the implementation, which is usually the case of clients from extreme competition, this is where it's time to roll up the sleeves and tactics.


Each site audit reveals different concerns and unique needs. Some sites may need to focus primarily on the factors of incoming links, there are other factors in place, and others, the signs of social media. Most times its a hybrid. Since I am not an authority link building important social media and opinion leaders, here is a tactical audit work in these areas to others, I recommend - people and companies who are as passionate as me, but in his own area of expertise.

Define what is important

When it comes to on-site factors, a typical tactic verification process is done in stages and can generally be divided into several phases over time. There may be a developer problem sites or the development team can resolve - it may be the resolution on the 301 redirect issues, duplicate content caused by other sites they own that should be removed, or architectural issues such as speed.

What I encounter often associated with the task of keywords, and the dilution of topical issues relating to these tasks.

Controls the dilution of existing

Very often it is the first audit tactic requires one or more discussions with the client to help define more clearly the most valuable and most important areas, sections and pages on their site.
With regard to this dialogue must confirm or invalidate the beliefs of the client. And 'this very important topic? And 'this part of the site is truly the greatest potential for long-term goal?

Could be locked in a content at a level that is most important is to recognize?

Start at the top

When these factors are reviewed and confirmed, we can begin the work of the final word to the task. Depending on the size of the site, this usually requires only a small fraction of all the pages. (Remember - I work at sites in the tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages.)
Maybe it's all the main navigation are linked to this site, or a combination of all or part of a category of product or service. Rarely, it contains a sub-page or less at this point.

My best weapon in this process is a spreadsheet program Excel. In this spreadsheet, I'll take two, three or more cards, depending on how this goes first revision tactics.

At that time I spent five to fifteen hours, all I'll put in an audit client only tactic in a given month. This alone usually provides website owners, content managers and / or developers enough work to actually deal with the implementation and enforcement of the recommendations in my work among all the others they have in their plates. If you want to do more at this stage, you are invited to wear it.

When this first round has been completed and work has been applied, I then go to the cross checks - take a part of the site at a time. If it is a complex and profound, I break down, starting with the most important content in that section (or the most important content expert) and go through the evaluation and improvement of the same tactics I mentioned above.

The beauty of this multi-stage or multi-phase control tactic is that we will see an improvement immediately - and with each other verification tactics practice, this is a process of building blocks for success.

Protect Your Site From SEO Attacks in 2 Ways

Monday, March 14, 2011 · 2 comments

JCPenney, (ratted out by competitors?), and now Although I think punished is a great example of Google to keep things fair, highlights a serious problem of how SEO is going.

It seems that the easiest way to win the competition is to write on the Google website and wait for the attack.

If your site is in third place for a period of its competitors and can be moved by a bad report online, do not even need to work to beat them if you can get banned!

Which brings us to an interesting question: why not just go ahead and buy links to our competitors wicked dirty all day and report them to Webmaster forums?

To be clear: I am not recommending this. I would never do this to someone. If I can win one of my own means, so do not deserve better ratings than the first.

The possibility of such a "reverse SEO attack" also makes me wonder how exactly I want to protect their website.

What if this happened to me?

Seriously, you can never be 100 percent. If someone wants to damage the site or the reputation they do.

What can you do?

1. Set up Google alerts to monitor your brand

If your site is, then it's probably worth drilling a Google Alert for "" This allows you to receive notification when your brand is mentioned online.

If a competitor is trying to rat-line, at least immediately be able to offer a kind of reply. Maybe you can even ask a site administrator to manually delete the comment.

2. Establish a Monitoring Service Account link

You must also register with Majestic SEO, or other control links.

I like Majestic, as it seems to be the most complete and saw his MJ12 crawlers roaming on the Internet since before time began (when used to run 500,000 domain names are a common nuisance hammering our servers.)

Majestic can give you a breakdown of new links per day and discovered you can use their graphic system to see the tips link.

If you see an unusual spike this link (the referring domain names, or other), then we must think of a nice clean implementation of a strategy to replace the bad links.

Your recommendations?

These are two simple steps you can act now to protect your brand in the future.

The next time we will see how you can analyze your web site to see if he was injured.

If anyone has a link monitoring service may be recommended instead of relying solely on Majestic, please leave a comment. I'd like my eggs in little baskets!

Google Continues to Penalize Spammers

Sunday, March 13, 2011 · 1 comments

Last month, JC Penney has been penalized by Google, and using paid links to promote your website. This week, has been penalized for selling links. Their place is in danger? What are the methods of search engine optimization are safe to use?

Paid links and other forms of web spam

Latest spam focused on paid links to Google. But it is not the only form of spam, which leads you to trouble with Google. Earlier this year, Google announced its intention to fight Web spam, stronger than before 2011.

In addition to paid links, Google thinks that spam following:

• Made for AdSense sites, whose content was scraped
• Cloaking and false redirects o (Google from other pages that Internet real)
• Keyword stuffing and pages filled with irrelevant words
• No hidden text or hidden links
• No misspellings of popular sites
• No link farms fully automated, centralized and independent
• Other methods that try to fool search engines

All these methods have one thing in common: they work very well in the past and allow us to quickly get high rankings on Google. These methods have in common is that Google can find.
Sites using these methods will be punished sooner or later.

Search methods of optimization engines that are safe to use

Spammy search engine optimization methods will get your website in trouble. It doesn't help to have a big name (J. C. Penney or Forbes) and it also does not help to display AdWords ads on your website.

If you want lasting results, use ethical SEO methods are beneficial for website owners, users and search engines.

Ethical search engine optimization ethical leads to a symbiotic relationship:

Search engines: They win are pages that are easy to understand and contain quality information that their users are looking for.

Seekers: They win because they get what they want from search engines. Looking for "green widgets" and get a page about green widgets.

Web site owners: They win because they get quality visitors who are interested in what their website has to offer.

The following methods of search engine optimization are safe to use and lead to sustainable results:

• Optimization of existing web pages, HTML code and content of web pages
• To create good content for your website
• Strengthening of the organic links to get quality backlinks

If you use these methods to optimize your web pages, your website will get lasting results. It takes longer to get high rankings with ethical SEO methods, but your site is secure.

If you are going to build a sustainable business model, you must use ethical methods of search engine optimization.


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